
and its healing powers

We have two ointments available using comfrey.

Comfrey Healing Ointment – this contains organic comfrey infused olive oil and beeswax.  Very plain and simple but effective.  The beeswax is pure, unrefined and untreated, sourced from Eight Acres in Queensland. 

Comfrey PLUS Healing Ointment – this contains organic comfrey infused olive oil and beeswax with added essential oils of wintergreen and eucalyptus.  These oils add a mild heat effect and pleasant aroma to the ointment. The wintergreen and eucalyptus add benefits for those suffering with pain, especially arthritis or sciatica.  Our products are effective because they have a high concentration of the active ingredient (ie. from the herb).


Comfrey has been used for centuries in treating sprains, bruises, and even broken bones. We recommend that its best use is topically, through the use of ointment, oil or the plant itself as a poultice.  In no circumstances should it be ingested by pregnant or lactating women as is the case with many herbs.The next time you get a sprain, strained muscle, bruise, fracture, broken bone or burn that you would like to heal quickly and without complications, turn to comfrey.  Comfrey is even safe for babies and children. It is an essential item in our first aid cabinet.  At two years of age, our eldest son would automatically say, “Comfrey” if he hurt himself. He associated comfrey with healing and rightly so. 



Anti-bacterial, Anti-fungal

Calendula Healing Ointment - It has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties and is beneficial in reducing inflammation, promoting wound healing and as an antiseptic.  It has been used with success to treat a variety of skin diseases, including eczema, psorisis, redness, itchiness and general skin irritations, as well as skin ulcerations.   Juvenile acne also has improved with the use of calendula. Calendula ointment is particularly suitable for applying to these many and varied skin conditions.



The herbs in this ointment have been chosen specifically for their healing, restoring properties. HORSETAIL:  No other herb in the entire plant kingdom is as rich in silicon as horsetail. Silicon is the material of which collagen is made.  Horsetail can been used to improve strength, tone, and texture of the skin and nails. It may also be used to relieve itching, irritation and inflammation associated with skin conditions such as eczema, whilst also improving circulation and rejuvenating connective tissue.   LAVENDER: This is one of the most versatile herbs for skincare. It is anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal.  Lavender calms down inflammation and so speeds up wound healing. FRANKINCENSE: best known for its Biblical reference as a gift to baby Jesus, an ancient herb used for centuries, its healing properties are outstanding, due to its anti-inflammatory action. ELDERBERRIES:  have been chosen for their extremely high anti-oxidant levels and their ability to combat free-radical damage.  WITCH-HAZEL: this herb is known to tone skin and help with varicose veins. 



CHAMOMILE:  Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic.  Chamomile is considered hypoallergenic and has the ability to neutralise skin irritants. In clinical trials it was shown to have an effect that was 60% as active as 0.25% hydrocortisone when applied topically.  Studies also show its effectiveness in reducing dermatitis. CHICKWEED:  used for hundreds of years in herbal and Chinese medicine, this little known herb, has extremely effective anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties.  NETTLE: it has been used for centuries to treat eczema.  It is anti-inflammatory, astringent, healing, mildly deodorizing and stimulating. Research has found high anti-microbial activity in nettle extracts. 



This ointment is based on CALENDULA, known for generations as a herb for treating various skin conditions due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It benefits the skin by eliminating bacteria and helping to heal the skin.  Oil of Wild Oregano contains Carvacrol which has great antifungal properties. There are many other constituents that work synergistically together to help with healing and fighting off the fungus. Many studies have proven the potency of Oregano Oil against toenail fungus. The Department of Horticulture and National Food Safety and Toxicity Centre at the Michigan State University demonstrated that Carvacrol has very effective antifungal properties.  It has also been shown that in comparison with other antifungal essential oils such as thyme and sage, oregano oil displayed the highest and broadest antifungal activity.  Consistency and persistence is key to ridding oneself of toenail fungus. Natural treatments such as Oil of Wild Oregano are not going to be a miraculous cure for an overnight fix, it can take up to 4 months. So keep at it and don’t give up!  Cinnamon essential oil   has been proven by research over the past few years, when tested against several types of Candida, including Candida albicans (the yeast that causes Candida overgrowth) to have powerful antifungal properties.


Body Butters

Nourishing for your skin

Whether Lavender, Lemon Myrtle or Rose Geranium is your favourite essential oil, either one of our body butters is sure to please your skin.  We make our body butter from simple, nourishing ingredients, designed to make dry skin feel soft and moisturized again.   The ingredients are as simple and pure as shea buttter, coconut oil , almond oil, aloe vera oil, vitamin E oil and essential oil (your choice of lavender, emon myrtleor rose-garanium).   Aloe vera, applied externally, has the ability to reach the deepest body tissues.  It penetrates human skin almost four times faster than water.  Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects and repairs your skin. Shea butter aids in the skin’s natural collagen production and contains oleic, stearic, palmitic and linolenic acids that protect and nourish the skin to prevent drying. 

With long term use, many people report skin softening and strengthening as well as wrinkle reduction. The use of coconut oil for skin nourishes, protects and heals this organ just as it does for the rest of the body. It effectively remedies dry or cracked skin and helps keep connective tissues strong and supple thereby reducing the appearance of fine lines.   "There isn’t a skin condition that coconut oil can’t help.”   Bruce Fife, N.D.

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Herbs to Assist Healing

in teas & drinks

Try our herbal teas and combination of powdered herbs to assist your body in healing from the inside out.  The treasures found in herbs are still being discovered and are certainly very under-utilitsed when it comes to recovering or maintaining ourh health.   The herbal teas we have are not your average teas.  

Dandelion – beneficial for diseases of liver, kidney, gall, spleen and blood, or as a preventative

Gotu Kola – Research shows the herb may relieve attention deficit disorder (ADD) and hyperactive conditions.  Throughout history this herb has been used to treat auto-immune diseases, stress, low thyroid, menopausal problems, depression, regulate blood sugar, etc. etc.

Herb Robert – contains germanium which helps make oxygen available to the cells. More oxygen at cellular level means the body has opportunity to fight disease by its own powers and healing can take place quickly. Medical journals have documented this herb as an energy giver, immune builder, a vigorous adaptogen (acting to alleviate major or minor health imbalances).  Herb Robert may act on viscosity of blood, so it is recommended that if you are on blood thinners that you be monitored by a health professional. Herb Robert contains ellagic acid. Recent research has found this may slow the growth of some tumours.

Milk Thistle has been used to treat liver disorders for more than 2,000 years. The active substance in milk thistle is silymarin, which is made up of several natural plant chemicals.

Silymarin helps regenerate liver tissue, bring down inflammation, and protect liver cells from damage by acting as an antioxidant. One study looked at children who were being treated with chemotherapy for leukemia. After 28 days, kids who received milk thistle supplements had slightly fewer signs of damage to their liver.

Because this supplement can lower blood sugar levels, people with diabetes should check with their doctor before taking it.

Pau D’Arco - is an herbal supplement claimed to be anti-cancer and antimicrobial, especially anti-candida. Other uses for pau d'acrco include diabetes, ulcers, stomach inflammation (gastritis), liver ailments, asthma, bronchitis, joint pain, hernias, boils and wounds.

St Johns Wort - The most comprehensive research on St. John's wort and major depression includes a 2018 report published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Researchers looked at 29 previously published clinical trials (with a total of 5,489 participants) that compared the effects of St. John's wort to a placebo or standard antidepressant medication for a period of four to 12 weeks.The study's authors found that St. John's wort extracts may be more effective than a placebo and were as effective as standard antidepressants. Additionally, the herb appeared to have fewer side effects.  Also useful for pre-menstrual symptoms, nervous conditions, exam stress etc.

An old proverbs says, “When someone shares with you, something of value, and you derive a benefit from it, you have an obligation to share it with others,” and that is what we want to do.  We do not hold any medical qualifications and this information should by no means be used in place of advice from your medical professional

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Body Scrubs & Bath Salts

Refreshing, relaxing

We use Dead Sea Minerals in our bath salts.  The Dead Sea is the most saline body of water in the world with far greater concentrations of minerals than any ocean (a concentration of 32% minerals compared to other seas, holding approximately 3%). Bromides and Iodine are present in Dead Sea Salt, including other minerals in a dried form, such as Magnesium, Sodium, Calcium and Potassium. All these minerals work together as regulators of cell activity and daily functioning, relieving muscular pain and stabilizing fluid levels in the body.

Another great element in our Bath salts is Epsom Salts. The salt in Epsom creates a high-mineral content that duplicates the benefits of a hot spring. Adding these great salts to a bath is an excellent way of combating stress and alleviating muscular aches and pains. The high magnesium content in Epsom salt also facilitates the removal of acids through the skin. 

Our Body Scrubs smell so good and make you want to eat them.  The sugar contained in them, along with the Epsom salts, helps to scrub the dead cells from your skin, leaving your skin feeling so smooth and refreshed.  The coconut oil nourishes  and moisturises your skin, as well as killing bacteria that cause acne and pimples.   Enjoy the smell of vanilla and lime!

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