About Comfrey Plus

It all started with a class in making herbal ointments...

I made some for my family and used it many times on my children who were, at the time, only very little. I saw how well it worked and started sharing it with friends, family and anyone who I sensed may benefit from it. My belief in comfrey, and other herbs was growing, as I saw the healing that took place in my own family as well as in others. That was 15 years ago and I have been making comfrey and calendula ointments ever since.

My journey has led me to making many other everyday products that we all use in our home, and which are often filled with fragrances, preservatives, dyes, foaming agents, to name a few, that are not at all safe to have in our bathroom or kitchen cabinet. My motto has become: If you can't eat it don't put it on your skin (well - almost all the time - but of course there are products that, although safe, do not taste pleasant!).

Now that the children are older, our business includes them too. It is a growing, learning experience for us all! We continue to be amazed and gratified by the positive effects that our products have on the lives of our clients. We hope you can be benefited too by using our pure, harmless, healing skin care range, suitable for babies and even the most sensitive skin. 

Blessings for healing and health,
Leanne Heywood

© 2024 ComfreyPlus.com.au

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