Top 5 Benefits of Frankincense

Frankincense is a herb that has been used for thousands of years. It is mentioned in the Bible as one of the costly gifts that the wise men brought to Jesus. A herb considered fit for a king and very valuable. It has many health benefits. Try it for the following benefits:
#1 - Skin Health
Frankincense is a powerful astringent, meaning it helps protect skin cells. It can be used to help reduce acne blemishes, scars, the appearance of large pores, prevent wrinkles, and it even helps lift and tighten skin to naturally slow signs of aging. Try our Anti-aging ointment for these benefits.
#2 - Immune boosting
Effective antiseptic, and the smoke or fumes obtained from burning it contains disinfectant and antiseptic qualities that remove the germs in the space where the smoke filters out. It can also be applied on injuries to prevent them from becoming septic and tetanus, without any known side effects.
#3 - Healing Small Wounds
Both internal and external. The oil enhances blood circulation, encouraging coagulation, and hence healing of wounds. Internal cuts and ulcers also heal quicker when it is ingested.
#4 - Alleviates Coughing
Frankincense is commonly used to fight respiratory problems, such as asthma attacks and coughing. When swallowed, the oil can rid the respiratory system of congestion and phlegm, easing the symptoms of the common cold. Try burning our Frankincense Breathe Easy candle to clear and purify the air.
#5 - Improves Oral Health
The antiseptic and disinfectant qualities of frankincense make it a useful preventative measure against various oral issues, such as toothaches, bad breath, mouth sores, cavities, and other types of infections. Try adding a few drops of frankincense to your favourite toothpaste or make your own toothpaste using 1 Tbsp bentonite clay mixed with 3 tsp. of coconut oil and a few drops of frankincense essentil oil.
There are many more health benefits. Needless to say, frankincense is indeed a very valuable herb for our health.